How Can you Use SMS Short Codes for SMS Marketing?

How Can you Use SMS Short Codes for SMS Marketing?

SMS marketing is just what it sounds like: Marketing via text messaging. While this may not sound like a revolutionary concept, SMS marketing is actually an amazingly cost-effective and effective form of marketing. With the rise of messaging apps such as Whatsapp and Facebook Messenger, one would think that SMS marketing would be obsolete. However, SMS has been booming in recent years due to the introduction of short codes. In this article, we will look at how you can use SMS shortcodes for SMS marketing.

Below are some ways in which you can use SMS shortcodes for marketing;

1. You Can Send a Promotional Offer to Your Customers.

SMS marketing allows you to send bulk text messages to your customers without having to upgrade their plans or cut into their data plans. Your message will reach all of your customers, even those who don’t use messaging apps.

Also, you can have customers respond to the message to receive further instructions on how to claim the offer. To do this, you can set up a sms short code that is activated through responding to your message (i.e., Enter “CODE” to receive your free sample! One use per customer).

2. You Can Send Out SMS Reminders to Customers.

As with the previous point, you can allow your customers to respond to your message to receive a discount or special offer. You can do this by setting up a short code – entered through texting “REPLY” – that lets the customer know that you have sent them a promotional offer.

This means that you can remind customers about deals and promotions of products or services that may have been previously offered. For example, a retailer could send out a reminder on Black Friday for a particular deal that was previously advertised on their website.

3. You Can Send Out SMS Alerts to Customers.

This is another great way to engage with your customers using SMS marketing. Let’s say you’re running a promotion, event, etc., and want to set reminders for your clients or members about it. You can create a notification that is sent to your customers every hour until the start of the promotion. This way, you’re sure to get their attention and can reach out to them regarding updates regarding the event.

4. You Can Build Brand Awareness in your Target Market.

How Bulk SMS Marketing Can Help Your Business | VertexSMS

You should consider creating a campaign for the purpose of building brand awareness in your target market. This can be done by designing a message where you ask them certain questions relating to your business. For example, “How many brochures would you like with your order?” Or “Would you like a free sample?” You’ll get responses from customers who either agree or disagree with the question asked. You can also do this by asking them to key in a number such as “#” if they want to learn more about your special offer or #”promo” if they want to know more about the event you will be running soon.

5. You Can Send Out SMS Welcome Messages to Customers.

With the rise of personalization in marketing and social media, customization is an important technique to keep in mind when running a marketing campaign. You can use SMS to send welcome messages to your customers about newly added products or services. This is another effective way to engage with your customers using SMS marketing. You should consider asking them questions such as “What would you like from our new product line?”

You can also use customer feedback through text messaging for your promotional campaigns. Let’s say that you’re running a promotion and want to know if your customers have seen your promotional posters at their local store. You can send out an SMS message to them asking, “Have you seen our ads for [product name]?” This way, you’ll get a positive response from customers who’ve seen the posters, which will, in turn, help you run a successful marketing campaign.

6. You Can Send Out SMS Notifications About Sales or Events.

Use SMS to send out notifications about sales or events by combining text messages with your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or other social media accounts. For example, you can post a photo of your product and have customers hand key in #”buy.” This way, you’re sure to get their attention and can reach out to them regarding updates regarding the event.

In conclusion, the use of SMS is growing exponentially. You could be missing out on a great opportunity for increased engagement with customers and growth of your business if you don’t consider adding SMS marketing to your strategy.